How it Works

How Design on Demand works

Get going within a week – from web assets and stunning motion graphics to interactive social content, we’re here to help.

Fast onboarding

We’re more agile than most agencies and can get you onboarded in around a week. We’ll get the team immersed in the brand, put names to faces and just get going.

We’ll pull in your tasks

Our AI powered form will help you complete briefs without the faff or we’ll pull tasks directly from your own workflow – meaning no new systems to learn.

Flexible time allocations

You’ll choose your monthly allocation of time, by default we’ll ensure this is as productive as an in-house team member. Pull time forward or push it back.



A selection of our clients

Fast , full service, on-demand design to expand your team and get more done.

The flexibility to scale your team as needed, expand skillsets instantly and gain the freedom to concentrate on the things that matter – with the smoothest, most agile and efficient UK-based team you’ve ever worked with.

Take the pressure off

More capacity in less time with senior oversight.

Scale up or turn off

Double the output when busy, pause or cancel.

Cheaper than hiring

No sick days. No hardware. No downtime.

Rapid delivery

On average we’re delivering within a few days.

Tier-1 agency in the UK

The credibility and infrastructure of Tone Agency.

Low commitment

Once you’ve used the hours, turn it off or renew!

Design assets across all specialisms for one low cost.

See our comparison and price guide to discover how we measure up.

Frequently asked questions

So you might be thinking…

Once you’re set up, we’ll send an invite to your own project Kanban board area as well as a custom link to an online briefing form. We can adapt the fields on this as necessary and you can add as many of your colleagues to the platform as you like.


We can be working on your first brief within a few days!

You’ll have a named Project Manager who will be on top of your brand guidelines, tone of voice, and be your eyes and ears on the workflow. Everything we do at Tone Agency also runs through a slick 3-tier QA process.


Tier 1 – Peer review and Project Manager overview to catch copy and other obvious issues.


Tier 2 – Senior Creative review to ensure consistency to brand and best practice.


Tier 3 – Design Lead to ensure the highest standard.

Any area of motion graphics and graphic design is possible, including but not limited to:


– Organic Social Assets


– Graphic Design


– Presentation Decks


– Ebooks & Reports


– Print & Merchandise


– Ads Creative


– Video & Motion Graphics


– Campaign Concepts


– HTML5 Banners


– Branding Design


– Email Templates


As an agency, we also offer UX and web development services. Those types of tasks don’t really suit this model as they are generally larger projects, but please reach out if you’d like to discuss options.

We have a robust briefing intake form that we can adapt to your needs, but since this is human to human, we can adapt to the most comfortable method for you. You’ll have a named Project Manager and they will be able to either intake a standard internal brief format you have or help you develop one.

No limits! In the unlikely event that we don’t nail it first time, you’ll get unlimited revisions until you’re completely happy.

Yes, as needed. To keep things lean and prioritise speed, the main comms will go through your Project Manager. That said, the project management system we have is finely tuned for collaboration, so the designer will be on the thread with you for all tasks and can chip into discussions as needed.

The briefing forms will of course be live all of the time, but we’re only here Mon-Fri 08:30-16:30, so all work and discussions will happen within these UK business hours.

It could be, but most likely you’ll be working with 2-3 designers who are each specialised in a certain area. For example, a motion graphics specialist might not be the same designer pulling together your PowerPoint deck or email templates.

No, but every project is time logged to the nearest minute. We’ll let you know when you’re 50% and 75% through your minimum monthly hours so you can keep an eye on budget.

For all new clients, you can take out an initial 3 months to make sure this is the right fit. Assuming you love us and we love you, we’ll enter into a 12-month agreement. You’ll pay quarterly in advance, so you can pause or cancel during any 3-month period and we’ll close the agreement at the end of the period or when we deliver all the hours, whichever comes first. Easy in, easy out.


The same applies to scaling up, as we have enough headroom on the team to scale up 2-3x at any time with just a few days notice. Some of our clients prefer to commit to a longer-term agreement to satisfy procurement requirements, but that is entirely optional.

You can either pay with a recurring credit/debit card subscription through Stripe, with direct debit via the GoCardless platform or as a regular recurring invoice for bank transfer. In each case, you’ll get a VAT invoice from a UK Ltd company.

Come and see us! We’re in sunny Lancashire, just outside of Burnley in a small town called Padiham. Fun fact, we own the building we operate from outright, having purchased it from a bank. The building was originally constructed in 1955 and we’ve converted it into a creative studio complete with an underground vault. Learn more about Tone Agency here.

What can I order

For less than the cost of one designer, you can choose from a whole agency-worth of tasks.